Volunteer roster for Summer Track & Field Season
The CHAC Committee has created a duty roster on the program “Volunteer Signup”. This shows each of the 12 Rounds of AV Shield Competition plus Relays and All Schools Competition over Summer, and the number of helpers and duties required for each competition. Click on the link below to register:
Athletics Victoria has established new and strict rules about Club Helpers:
“An event may only commence when a sufficient number of officials/club helpers are in place. If a rostered club does not provide the required club helpers (as detailed by Athletics Victoria in 2016/17 Summer Competition Handbook) 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of an event, the event may not be held. Any club that fails to provide their allotted number of club helpers for an event will have each of their competing teams (at the venue, on the day) penalised. For multiple offences (that are against the spirit of this rule), the club that fails to provide ‘club helpers’ for their rostered duties shall (at the discretion of the Zone Committee, and in consultation with the AV Shield Competition Committee) be subject to the following penalties: – Loss of points as described above; and or- A financial penalty of up to $500 – A ban on the clubathletes competing at the next round of AV Shield/Zone Zone competition.”