The Club has just received this note form Albert Collie, grandson of Jack White, the winner of the first two Club Five Mile Cross Country Championships……………
“Thank you so much for making me aware of the area to read the entry in the Club records.
It has been put together beautifully and it was quite emotional for me to read it.
The details of both Jack and Bert’s performance history and the entries from the newspapers of the time is great to read.
Well done.
The article to which Albert refers can be found in the ‘members’ section of our website. In the complete list of members any name underlined has a profile attached. They make interesting reading.
But there are not many (approximately sixty) and we would like a lot more!
We have been concentrating on the people from long ago but would be happy to receive contributions from any Collingwood Harriers past or present or indeed family members wishing to provide information for our history.
You are welcome to make contact through Steve Griffiths: