Mick, at the time of writing, still holds a couple of Club Records in the Hammer events dating back to the early seventies.
The Club held high hopes for Mick as his improvement in the throwing events had been quite meteoric. Again it was Bill Tunaley who got him started and developed his skills early on. Unfortunately, as with so many promising juniors, Mick did not stick with our sport.
His dad was very keen for Mick to follow another interest – wrestling. The two sports were combined for a short time but when the family shifted to Newport, athletics became a thing of the past and we lost contact with Mick altogether.
That was until the name Mick Pikos appeared in the papers.
Mick was selected in the Australian Wrestling Team for two Olympic Games.
Perhaps he made the right decision!
However, Collingwood Harriers certainly lost a potential champion.
July 2013